Apple Cases Of Iphone 13 All Models For 3D Printing

by aliartist3d in Models

Apple Cases of iPhone 13 all models for Visualization and 3D Printing


- This Model was made according to Apple Official Design Guidelines!

- This model was done for 3d printing, I haven't got the change to print it yet!


- Blender native project file

- DAE FBX OBJ Mesh Files

- STL File

- GLB and GlTF AR ready to use models in all colors

- Textures included


Blender 2.8 cycles renderer


81,551 verts - 80,461 polygon

Please, if you want anything, contact me here or at [email protected]

Thank you !!!


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.93
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Editorial