Antique Phonograph
Illustrated documentation is included with the model.
Please note that some materials used in this model make use of the Color Mix node. If this model is to be used with Blender 3.4 and later, the Color Mix node will automatically be converted to the newer Mix node which replaces it, and should look and render fine. However, once converted and saved with Blender 3.4 and later, the material will no longer work with Blender versions prior to 3.4.
This model is based on a 1905 Victor V phonograph made by the Victor Talking Machine Company. At the time, machines of this type were variously called Graphophones, Gramophones, Victrolas and phonographs depending on the company that made them. This model was noted for its sound quality and performance. It features a twelve-inch turntable, oak cabinet, and a standard stamped steel and brass horn. The model can be used as a prop in a period scene, or as a curio in a more modern scene. The horn and tone-arm assembly can be rotated as desired.
The model is contained in a single .blend file with all textures/images/materials packed inside. To use it in your scene, you can append it as follows:
• Go to the File Menu and pull down to Append
• Find the “Antique_Phonograph.blend” file and Double Click on it.
• Double Click on the Collection icon.
• Select the “Append_Phonograph” collection and Click Append
Note that the model components are all parented to a master Empty Item represented by the large labeled axis. You can move or rotate the Empty to adjust the location and orientation of the model.
In addition, the horn and tone arm assembly can be rotated separately using another Empty Item represented by the sphere at the back of the horn. Select the sphere and rotate it until the horn is in the desired position.
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