Animate Pro (Early Access)

by not_that_NDA in Addons

AniMate Pro Documentation

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Why is AniMate Pro in Early Access?

AniMate Pro is a massive addon that touches on many parts of animation in Blender, and got to a point where beta testing was not enough with a small group of people. I want to make sure the tools in AniMate Pro address real world animator's problems and for that I need more animators involved, at the same time I need to justify investing time in developing the tool instead of doing other jobs to maintain my family. So I need your support to help me develop the tool further and contribute with your needs for animation in Blender.

Additionally animation as a whole is evolving in Blender and is changing how it works for the better. This means that during the next few months there will be important changes to how users and addons interact with animation data. For this is important to keep AniMate Pro flexible and for the users to understand how this will evolve and be involved whole we create new systems and adapt existing ones to the evolving nature of Blender.

Pricing model?

You can expect the price of AniMate Pro to increase during or after Early Access as the tool grows. Anyone who purchased it will keep getting all the tools and new additions without any additional charge for as long as v1 is supported and updated.

At some point, probably a couple of years for now, if need to fund support further development I may consider a v2 of the addon and offer a hefty discount (70%?, time will tell) to existing users to migrate to it. Similar to how UV Master has been doing. I understand that a lot of addons are a one time payment and AniMatePro is today. But if at that point needs to change I want to give everyone a clear and fair warning. I prefer this small incremental upgrade system instead of a subscription model like other tools do. I think is more fair to users and to developers.

In any case users will continue to enjoy more and more tools added to AniMate Pro and all will be included in the addon until v2 is released. I suspect not earlier than a couple of years of full support and updates for the latest Blender version in the market until then.

How long will AniMate Pro Early Access last?

It will likely be on Early Access until Blender finishes the shift to the new slotted actions implementation and the new layer system is fully implemented.

I will keep adapting all the systems to Blender's changes as they are released while creating new modules for animators.

  • Full version of AniMate Pro single license

  • Full license for studios with up to 10 seats

  • Full license for studios with unlimited seats


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Sales 200+
9 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL