Animated Procedural Parametric Escalators

by RED Visualisation in Models


Please watch this demonstration video - it will demonstrate the points summarised below:

These paramtric escalators are based on the standard Array Modifier. The "beginning" and "end" pieces are always the same, while the number of "middle" pieces varies. The escalators can be changed in 200mm increments vertically.

To change the length of the escalator:

- select the escalator, go to the Modifier tab, and change the Count value in the Array Modifier.

To achieve intermediate (non-200mm) escalator heights:

- create the nearest escalator fit (bigger or smaller) for your purposes. It will never be more than 100mm out, above or below. Then scale the whole escalator very slightly on the Z axis until it fits.

To drop an escalator to mesh (e.g. for export):

- select it, press Ctrl+A, and select Visible Geometry to Mesh.

To copy an escalator:

- Shift+D (or Alt+D to create a linked copy). Make sure you copy the escalator and the linked animation path/empty object AT THE SAME TIME if you require animation, to retain the dynamic link between them.

To append escalators into another file:

- append the ESCALATORS Collection into any other file, and then turn off the visibility of the Escalator_Parts_OFF Collection (Blender always turns on the visibility of everything you append). Delete any escalators you don't need.

To attach people or geometry to the animated escalator steps:

- select the linked empty object, and go to the Geometry Nodes modifier in the Modifiers tab.

- here you can attach any other object (make sure the incoming object has its origin in the right place), rotate it on the z-axis, and tweak its x and y locations.

- you can add multiple people by copying the first one, and using the Step Offset value to place the copy higher or lower on the escalator.


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Sales 70+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Animated, Low-High-Resolution, Textured
License Royalty Free