3D Animation / Learn To Animate Credible And Realistic Walk Cycles Step By Step

by Canimando in Training

In this course, you will learn how to do a walk cycle step by step, from scratch and complete it with a very high level of polish.

The course includes another 1-hour video with several classes in which you will learn how Blender works and everything you need to know to animate with it. 

You will get

A one-hour long video:

In the first 14 minutes, I'll be explaining everything you need to know to create the walk cycle,

and the next 46 minutes is a narrated step by step demo creating a walk cycle from scratch to finish it with a high level of polish

+ Several Classes (1.20hours) where you'll learn everything you need to know on how to use Blender to animate

  1. How to configure and change hotkeys, 
  2. How to use viewports
  3. How to use and interpret the curves of the graphic editor
  4. The timeline
  5. The outliner, 
  6. The properties editor,
  7. The differences between FK vs IK, 
  8. How to import your references, 
  9. How to create lights in your scene
  10.  How to set up animation constrains
  11. How to Install and configure the X-pose Picker
  12.  How to prepare your scene to start animating

Thanks you so much! :D



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Sales 80+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83
License Royalty Free
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walkcycle animation walk 3d animation blender