Angle Tool

by z01ks000 in Addons

Add-on Description:

Angle Tool Extended Trailer (viewing time 4 min)

Tutorial (viewing time 4 min)

Angle Tool is a simple and robust modeling tool for quickly creating corner geometry from any cross-section selection in Edit Mode. After selecting part of your mesh in Edit Mode and specifying an Active Edge, you can now use the Angle Tool command to turn your geometry around that edge and extend it to create a geometric corner. It's really simple but kind of hard to explain, so please refer to the following visuals :)

Angle Tool allows you to create this type of geometry on the fly and lets you avoid the extra steps that would otherwise be required to achieve similar results.

Extra features include the Curve Mode. 

Release Notes:

Latest release: November 26th, 2023


  • Quick fix for new versions of blender, where bgl module had been deprecated, which caused Angle Tool's UI elements to stop working


  • Fixed a bug where Angle Tool wouldn't work at all if it thought that rotation point was behind viewport camera pivot

  • Fixed an error in Vertex Mode when selected vertices were perfectly parallel to the viewport camera

  • Added a visual triangle between rotation point and initial and end angle


  • Fixed error which was a result of all vertices in mesh being selected before running tool.

  • Improved the automatic re-selecting of the active element in certain cases.


  • Numeric Input is available again. It is now possible to enter specific values using keyboard number keys while Angle Tool is running.


  • Added Curve Mode toggle and Segments adjustment slider to Gizmo


  • Fixed Extend Mode direction issues.
  • Fixed Extend Mode popping.


  • This update introduces a simple gizmo for when clicking on the Angle Tool icon in the Toolbar to the left.
  • The gizmo is quite basic for now, but the more advanced features will be added soon.


  • Fixed a rare bug when using Extend Mode .
  • Fixed bug where new faces weren't being selected.


  • Fixed bug and potential crash due to Angle Tool that relates to using Edge Crease in blender. The culprit was the gizmo I'm working on, so I disabled it for the time being. This makes the Angle Tool icon in the Toolbar just an icon that does nothing for now.
  • New active edge and active vert finding improved
  • It's now possible to specify the amount of segments in Redo Last popup dialog. For now, the number isn't exactly correct, though. 16 segments is actually 18 segments, 32 is actually 34 etc. Due to overall changes made in Angle Tool for blender 3.0, I have a bit of figuring out to do with this functionality.


  • New Active Edge or Vert is now selected automatically, after using Angle Tool.


  • Added simple heads-up-display in 3D viewport, with some information and instructions. Will continue improving this.
  • Extend and Angle Mode switching was improved. Still not perfect, but switching from Angle Mode to Extend Mode and vice versa is no longer so jarring.
  • Improved on-screen graphical widgets.
  • Worked on Gizmo, which appears when Toolbar icon is pressed. Made progress but this is still buggy. Use at your own risk! Otherwise just call the add-on from the hotkey.


  • Fixed an error that happened when Angle Tool was run without active edge or vert selected. Now a warning is shown, to select Active Edge or Vert.


  • Fixed error when using Active Vert and trying to finish operation.
  • Fixed welding of vertices when using Redo Last pop-up.


  • Fixed inconsistencies in the Redo Last pop-up. Curve Mode checkbox and negative Angle values should now work properly.


  • Fixed issue with canceling via ESC or Right Mouse and graphics remaining on screen, as well as the tool not undoing.


  • Fixed error when running the tool on flat geometry that has more than one face.
  • Fixed error when using the Toolbar icon. Using Angle Tool via the icon is still work in progress. I'm planning on making the tool function with with a simple gizmo when used via this button.


  • Angle Tool compatible with blender 3.0.
  • Many bugs will be present but the whole tool has been reworked to improve performance. It now uses bmesh.ops instead of bpy.ops and a lot of redundant calculations were removed in the code.
  • Multiple new features include automatic trim sheet UVs as well as being able to use the tool with an active vertex, instead of an active edge, selected. In this case the view direction will determine the rotation. This is useful for flat geometry.


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Sales 1200+
23 ratings
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
License GPL
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rotate architecture turn corner edge extrude pivot symmetry trim angle bfcm20