Amandeep - Ultimate Value Bundle (15 Addons)

by Amandeep in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 6 ratings by the community.

  • Yukino
    6 months ago

    Bundle contains some very useful tools that save loads of time.

  • Marko
    6 months ago

    This Bundle is just Amazing!!! :)

    This Bundle contains too many Great Addons; but my Favorites which I use on a daily baseis are:

    "Clean Panels": to Organize all your Addons in diffrent ways - it was so Good, that I had to Upgrade to "Clean Panels Pro", because you could choose which addons to Load while Starting Blender, so the System runs Quicker and more Stable; and you could Load the Rest of the installed Addons, if needed, it's such a Time Saver.


    "Rantools and P-Cuttter": so it's an Addon with Multi-Functionlities; hence RandomTools (Rantools); you have Online Acces to Materials and HDRi Libraries; Camera / Rendering Conrols; Individual and General Lighting Conrols; Backdrops;
    And the Integrated "P-Cutter" is a Powerfull Modelling Tool, analog to Hard-OPs, BoxCutter combined with MeshMachine, with Mesh-Cleaning Operation;
    You Can Simulate and Create Different Types of Cables..
    And you got soooooo many other Fun and Usefull individual Tools...

    And by the way, I would also Recommend (with no Affiliation) other Great Addons that I also use on a Daily Basis:

    1) Quick Physics: to make Great Physics Simulation

    2) Save Views: To Recall Differend 3D ViewPort and Camera Screenschots / Orientation

    3) Hide Steps: To Hide and Unhide something like 50 consecutive Times objects...

    So Thanks Amandeep for these Great Tools and Please Continue Your Great Creative Job!!! :)

  • Hans-H. Franck
    8 months ago

    Great Value all in all, but I miss some updates for the beautiful RanTools add-on!

  • CKShaw
    almost 2 years ago

    Thank you very much for the plugin, it helped me a lot and the price is a great deal.

  • randa
    about 2 years ago

    very usefull addons
    very fast respon
    best developer addon
    5 star for AMANDEEP

  • Mendi Mann
    over 2 years ago

    It's one of my favorites Addons, and the new version of the "Clean Panels" Addon is the best Blender Interface Addon

  • Displaying 6 ratings

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  • Includes all 15 addons mentioned on the product page.

  • Includes 14 Addons (Does not include RanTools)


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Sales 800+
6 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 9 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL