Alxoverhaul - Simplify Blender
Rig Edge Line selection:
this is aimed at facilitating the rigging process of single-sided quad hair strips for vtuber models and clothes, by simply selecting a single line of edges and a name for the armature to create the bones into, create a connected bone chain on a per vertex basis, with automatic direction based on local z difference
Unlocked Modes
Auto Pose-mode:
selecting any object affected by an armature modifier with an armature assigned will allow to select the respective armature of the active object make it part of the selection and automatically switch into pose mode with only one click
Auto WeightPaint-mode:
allows to skip the need to manually select the armature and affected object in order, with no need anymore to turn off lock-object-modes, and
automatically enters weight paint mode as if it was done manually, it also maintains focus on the armature in the property tab as the object selection is isolated from the actual outliner selection
Object Isolate/Collection Isolate:
recreates a feature often found in other softwares that allows to isolate in terms of visibility the currently selected object,
it is done in a manner of [ Isolate | Show All ] when it comes to the UI to allow it to be independent from user selection as instead of outliner visibility, the object viewport visibility is changed
and is similarly done for collections, but as the name says instead of hiding everything else that is not the selection, it hides every other collection that does not contain the selected object
Symmetry Operators:
Symmetric IK results may vary depending on Bone Roll relative to the local Z axis and may impact said result but there shouldn't be need to change anything unless clear visible issues are present, the IK has to be created on the left of the character, the suggested rotation is for the arms local z to point down and legs local z to point out to the sides of the character, the operator clones not only the constraint but also clones and mirrors it's options, together with IK limits being cloned an mirrored not just for the bone with the IK itself but the entire chain affected by each IK
Dev Fund Contributor | |
Published | about 1 year ago |
Blender Version | 4.1, 4.0, 3.6 |
License | GPL |
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