Algebraic Surfaces - Additional Packs For Xyz Math Functions
This Package contains an additional pack with 49 (98 both packages) extra maths mesh objects for the Blender "XYZ maths functions", also you´ll find all objects as normal mesh-objects "ready to render" in a single Blender File. To use the Equations you have to activate the Blender Add-on functions "Add Mesh Extra Objects" first. And you have to unzip the zip file which contains the each 49 python scripts and copy them into the "XYZ maths functions" folder. Here a window path example. On Mac you can find the path by clicking with the right mouse button on the Blender icon in the Application folder - or by searching the folder name.
(It can be either the user or operator’s path. For more structure, I recommend using the „user“ path)
Activate the Blender Add-on "Add Mesh:Extra Objects" (if not done before)
Than you should find the following: (f.e. with SHIFT + A)
Open the XYZ Math Surface like in the picture an add with the plus+ Symbol a new object, it does not matter what you are saving. It is just that the Add-on generates a "USER" path on your mac or PC. (if it has not done it by itself, you can check this if you follow the next steps)
Again the important Path:
Of course, if you use a different Blender Version, you will find Blender 3.2, 3.4. or 4.0....
In Windows you´ll find a new "USER" Path called "C:\Users\--here is your Name---\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\presets\operator\mesh.primitive_xyz_function_surface"
On a MAC like "/Users/--here is your Name---/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.6/scripts/presets/operator/mesh.primitive_xyz_function_surface"
Once this is done, you can copy the phyton scripts from the ZIP File in this path. Next you open Blender you´ll find 49 new objects under your "Extra Objects" and you can use them to create "Algebraic Surfaces"
Enjoy :)
And my instruction i not clear enough, please don´t hesitate to ask me if you need help 😀
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