
by sam598 in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 3 from 54 ratings by the community.

  • Kevin Watkins
    over 1 year ago

    I can confirm that if you make Diego's fixes listed in the review below from summer '22 - modifications that take less than 1 minute to make - will work as amended going from AE v18.4.1 Build 4 to Blender v3.3.0 2022-09-07. Well, I should say it worked for me the first and only time I've used it so far to "Create Camera" and then "Create Plane". There are certainly enough quirks you need to be aware of, but there are a lot of tutorials out there for that. It does what it says it does - using AE tools for camera solves will make it worth the money.

    Tip of the cap to Diego for not only figuring it out, but circling back to share with the rest of us.

  • shbuh
    over 1 year ago

    i can confirm its broken in blender 3.3

  • Diego
    over 1 year ago

    Went through the script and it seems most of the issues people are having are from AE writing tiny values in scientific notation. If you really need this to work, here you go.

    When applying a keyframe, the script checks if its a digit. Values close to 0 can look like this (2.98088e-16) and fail the check since it contains an e.
    Checks look similar to this
    if keyFrameData[wordNum + 2].replace('.','').replace('-','').isdigit():
    so the . and - aren't the issue since we're removing them before checking if the value is a digit.

    Adding .replace('E','') somewhere before isdigit() will fix this, but it has to be done throughout the whole script. It has to be a capital E because in the beginning of the script all e's were capitalized so floating point values can work in blender.

    That might be enough to fix it, but I was also having issues with this.


    def pasteKeyframesAE(self):
    if checkClipboard(self):
    for target in bpy.context.view_layer.objects:
    if == 1:

    This might have worked on older versions of blender but it doesn't work for me for some reason. Changed it to this and errors went away.

    def pasteKeyframesAE(self):
    if checkClipboard(self):
    for target in bpy.context.selected_objects:

    I'm only going to write these snippets since that's all that is needed to get it running consistently and there doesn't seem to be an alternative script. I also messaged these changes to the creator back in march but they have not responded.

  • jangseungjin
    almost 2 years ago

    hi I’ve updated After effect to 2022 version
    is it still able to be used for the New version ?
    or could you update for that

  • frederik Frost
    almost 2 years ago

    Great plugin, but how do I use the point cloud function? There is nothing about in the documentation.

  • Bad Monk
    over 2 years ago

    Great add on. Use camera tracker in AE then simply copy and paste into Blender! Works awesome! Just remember to move key frames across to start at frame 1 otherwise the track will be off and not work correctly.

  • Omid
    over 2 years ago

    Just leaving a rating here as the three 1-star ratings are very unfair. Two claim "Doesnt work" - Yes it does. I just used it for a project. Works perfectly fine. The third raitng says "Installs and never shows up in the addons list". Yes it does show up. You installed it in a wrong way.

    All that said, the creator seem to be very unenthusiastic about marketing. No DEMO Video and no reply to these 3 negative comments. Hmmm.

    over 2 years ago

    was a bit afraid if it would worked with updated softwares, but it does! to anyone not sure: blender 2.92, 2.93, 3.0 and even the 3.1 alpha (i use k cycles) works great.
    im just not using the newest after effects version, but not because of this addon. i did run into other issues in the past and just sticked with version 19, which always worked for my porpuses. so i cant tell anything to ae compatibility, sorry.

  • m_berns
    over 2 years ago

    I can confirm that this still works as of Blender 3.0 Alpha (Oct 21) and AE V22.1.0.

    Seems like the add-on is not being maintained, and some reviews say it's not working, but I purchased anyway because it's basically the only option for this task and also quite cheap, and it does in fact still work.

    In response to a couple of the points:

    - Can't be installed / doesn't work / doesn't show up in Blender after install - you're probably trying to install the zip and not the py file within the zip. You need to unzip the download file and install the .py directly.

    - Pasting keyframes doesn't work - it works just fine, I just did it. The add-on documentation details exactly how this is done and what it can or can't do.

  • Daniel Sims
    over 2 years ago

    Amazing add on - but I just want to share this for anyone who has issues with everything being slightly off when copied into Blender - in AE check both the AE cameras horizontal and vertical film size by double clicking it, then in Blender select the camera and change the sensor size from 'auto' to either 'horizontal' or 'vertical' and enter the film size data from AE, this should align things accurately as most tutorials are assuming landscape rather than portrait footage.

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Sales 6400+
Customer Ratings 54
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 9 years ago
Blender Version 2.7x, 2.77, 2.78, 2.79, 2.8
License GPL
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