Adaptive Bridges Ⅰ - Suspension Bridge

by StruffelProductions in Models

Bridges for every occasion

Whether you are making a small valley, huge modern city or a waterfall in the jungle, bridges can be found in and around all of them. And since every scene requires its bridge do be differently sized in order to match the environment. Therefore I created a series of different bridges that have the ability to adapt to any environment for amazing scenes like these:

The content of part Ⅰ: Suspension bridge

  • All parts of the model are parented to one central object for easy translation.

  • The model is fully array-able. The length of the array is determined using an empty and drivers for all of the different objects. That means that you can control the length of the arrays all in one place.

  • All parts have PBR-materials.

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Sales 40+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 7 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Textured
License Creative Commons