9 Piece Sofa Suite With Customizable Procedural Shader
Each Sofa is within a separate collection, making it easy to append into your project. The cushion is also in it's own collection, and Emptys with collection instances are used within each sofa.
Sofa Shader Documentation:
- Scale - controls the overall scale of the sofa texture
- Fabric/Leather Switch - set to 0 for fabric sofa, 1 for leather
- Base Color - controls the overall color of the sofa
- Piping Color - controls the color of the piping detail around each big cushion
- Stitches Color - controls the color of the stitching around the edge of the cushions
- Stitches Strength - Set to 0 for off, or larger numbers for stronger looking stitches
- Wood/Plastic Feet Switch - Set to 0 for wood, 1 for plastic
- Plastic color - color of the plastic feet when switch set to 1
Cushion Shader Documentation:
- Separate controls for front and back of the cushion
- Pattern On/Off Switch - set to 0 for solid color, 1 for patterned
- Front Roughness - controls the roughness of the fabric, lower numbers result in a shinier looking fabric
- Color - Primary - Main color of the cushion
- Color - Secondary - Additional color when patterns are applied
- Pattern Slider - Pick from 10 different procedural patterns, each pattern at 0.1 intervals on slider
- Pattern Scale - controls the main scale of the pattern
- Pattern Indent - Set to 0 for flat, -1 for pattern pushing outwards, 1 for pattern pushing inwards
Shaders use vertex colors to isolate individual elements. For Sofas, use RGB 1.00, 0.00, 0.00 for piping and RGB 0.00, 1.00, 0.00 for feet. For Cushions, use black/white for front and back.
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