80 Fabric And Leather (Vdm) Brushes Vol 03

HosseinHatami in Surfacing

Hello, thank you for your trust and purchase, dear friend. 

It's enough if you download both Blender files(( VDM Blender & VDM Blender_ Single )) and extract them from the compressed state together; they will work easily. Please test again, and if there is any issue, do not hesitate to send a message.

You can also watch this video tutorial. Good luck.


  • $16
  • Up to 8 users - For use on an unlimited number of commercial projects with no limits on sales or views.

  • This license is for use in an unlimited number of commercial projects with no restrictions on sales or views. So feel free to use.


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Sales 20+
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 3.5
License Royalty Free