45+ Sci-Fi Decal Pack 1 - Decal Machine Ready 4.3 Ready
You will get 45 + Sci-Fi decals in this pack at the highest resolution available using Decal Machine. These are a great way to add details to a sci-fi large scene to reduce modeling everything. These decals can be used on any model. These decals can reduce lots of unneeded modeling and add more detail to your models. Suggest to already have Decal Machine to be able to use the images settings for the parallax effects. If you don't have Decal Machine you can still use the basic decals in your project.
These files are converted to winrar which is a free software for windows. (For Macs - use the Unarchiver). Drag and drop all 4 decal folders into Decal Machine asset folder, which is by default located on your C drive, C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\BLENDER VERSION\scripts\addons\DECALmachine
How to install: download and unzip the 4 files, copy paste the main folder into Decal Machine addon folder, which is located on your system drive under assets / Decals (Blender addon folder is located on your system drive, under users/yourPCname/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/ Blender/Blenderversion/ Decal Machine/assets/Decals).
A better way on how to use Decal Machine to its full potential I suggest visiting Machin3 YouTube channel located here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4yaFzFDILd2yAqOWRuLOvA
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