3D Rocks And Stone Walls Collection

by EnoraVFX in Models

How do I increase the impression of detail on these rocks?

Bump normal strength, or mix a bit of diffuse to a color ramp to bump. The blend files called "scattering" shows how an artist can take these rocks from a simple mesh, to a more high res cinematic look by scattering lichen particles or algae, and filtering the diffuse with a gradient ramp to make it an ideal bump map approximation. You can copy paste the bump conversion node setups from the scattering file, it will work on all other rocks.

How to import these into Nomadsculpt?

Use the Vcol  (vertex color) meshes. For the Vcol-only version, I removed the textures so that this will fit neatly on your Ipad/Android under 90mb.

Why are the blender scenes so big?

I embedded all textures files inside, so you can use the blender scene as containers for the rock collection, and append from there. If you prefer, you may choose to store only the GLTF files.

How big are the rock textures?

It ranges from 2K to 8K, but most are in 4K.


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Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 2.93, 3.0, 3.1
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free