This item has an average rating of 5 from 7 ratings by the community.
Thomas Seifert
over 1 year ago
The shaders are very beautiful. I use them in Blender version 3.5.0 and it works fine. For that alone it's worth 5 stars. But the video tutorial is very outdated with Blender 2.79. Some shader nodes have changed since then and it takes some tweaking and adapting to follow along in a modern Blender environment.
over 2 years ago
Just wow, super super useful and really fantastic looking.
laurent bessault
about 3 years ago
Specific training at a peaceful pace that can be followed while handling BLENDER without rewinding every 2 minutes. Lots of great out-of-the-box shaders, great testing grounds. GREAT PRODUCT. Thank you
about 5 years ago
Amazing product and terrific support. Money well spend. Thank you so much for this wonderful product!
about 5 years ago
Thank you very much for your kind words and rating, blender community rocks :)
Ian Woodward
over 5 years ago
Fabulous blends and among the best presented tutorials I've ever seen. Huge thanks!
over 5 years ago
Thank you for your generous rating :)
Andreas Leiner
about 7 years ago
Great job you did. It´s really awesome stuff.
about 7 years ago
Thanks for the kind words Andreas, :)
over 7 years ago
absolutely incredible job, it was easy putting down $15 for this work of art, and I'm a real stickler for spending money online XD Deconstructing this beautiful masterpiece you've created will give me all I'll need to know as I learn volumetrics. I'm challenged with making a collapsing neutron star for an animation at the Urantia Association and I've never worked with volumetrics before; my knowledge is built on my work for Operation: Black Mesa modelling and mapping and so your work will be an invaluable resource.
over 7 years ago
Thank you for your kind words, very encouraging for me :)