30 4K Metal Pbr Materials (Pack 1) + Anti-Tiling Nodes
Looking for realistic materials to bring your scene or model to life? This pack comes with 30 high resolution 4K PBR map sets with additional control nodes added for further tweaking and they are displacement ready.
Stop the tiling madness with my 3 anti-tiling node groups (location, rotation, and scale)!
Also included is an easy-to-use fresnel reflection node to achieve real world reflection falloff.
"I can just download these for free!"
Yes you can! All materials included are CC0 and this pack is a collection of materials from CGbookcase.com but do you have hours to spare downloading, unzipping, organizing, setting up nodes, and making them asset ready? Why not get it all done with a few clicks and let me do the dirty work?
"Node wrangler can do this for free!"
Node wrangler is awesome but it does not account for ambient occlusion, opacity, emission, or bump maps as most PBR only include a height map for displacement. I've also added additional nodes for specific materials to give you further control such as color ramps, hue/saturation, and more. And don't forget my anti tiling nodes and "DG real-flection" nodes that make this pack worth it for the price alone!
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scifi materials metal materials metal asset PBR pbr-textures textures summer22