2D Lip Sync Pro

BlenderGem in Addons


Quick Start Guide

  1. Open the 2D Lip Sync Pro panel in the 3D Viewport's sidebar
  2. In the "Lip Sync Setup" section, click "Create Lip Sync GP Object" to generate a new Grease Pencil object
  3. Choose between 7 (Simple) or 12 (Disney) visemes when creating the GP object
  4. Click "Link Layers to Visemes" to automatically match layers to visemes
  5. In the "Lip Sync Generation" section, select your audio file using the "Select Audio File" button
  6. Click "Analyze Audio" to preview the audio content
  7. Click "Generate Lip Sync Keyframes" to create the lip sync animation

Using Pre-drawn Visemes

2D Lip Sync Pro comes with pre-drawn SVG files containing visemes in various styles:

  1. In Blender, go to File > Import > SVG as Grease Pencil
  2. Select one of the provided SVG files with pre-drawn visemes
  3. The imported Grease Pencil object is now ready to use with 2D Lip Sync Pro
  4. Proceed with the lip sync generation process as described in the Quick Start Guide


  • Audio Not Recognized: Ensure clear speech in your audio file and proper file format (WAV recommended).
  • Missing Visemes: Check that Grease Pencil layers are correctly named and linked to visemes.
  • Performance Issues: For long audio files, consider processing in smaller segments.

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Sales 20+
4 ratings
Published 8 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Extension Type N/A
License GPL