19Th Century Industrial Asset Pack

by Vision 3D in Models

Coming from a background in photography I spent a lot of my time shooting old buildings and life that reflected early Victorian Britain. There is something about that era that captured my heart. Now, that being said those that endured and lived during those times described them as hell on earth. But the Industrial Revolution was what forged Britain into the powerhouse it soon became. 

Huge chimneys rose from the streets where slums housed the workers of the many factories and mills most of which have now been destroyed. I want to keep those memories alive - not because I want to remind people of those terrible times but as a token of our resilience.

Because the scenes I wanted to photograph no longer exist I decided to recreate the scenes in 3D. So having no prior knowledge of how to create a 3D model I taught myself this very rewarding skill -  Today I am proud to present to you This 19th Century Modular Asset Pack.   

Recreate 19th-century Britain like never before with this comprehensive industrial 3D asset pack. Crafted in Blender and meticulously textured in Substance Painter, this collection transports you to the era of steam power, innovation, and elegance. From an array of smokestacks to a period-specific steam hammer, each model captures the essence of the 19th century with incredible detail. Whether you're a historian, a game developer, or a 3D artist, this pack is your key to bringing the past to life in stunning digital detail. Don't miss out on this extraordinary journey through history. Get the 19th Century Asset Pack today and embark on your creative time-travel adventure! This pack will continue to expand as I continue to add to it, pop back and explore the collection. 


·         Modular Factory building parts (23)

·         8 Windows / 5 Door

·         Coal and ash store

·         Mining tub and modular rail system

·         Narrowboat

·         Wooden waterwheel (joined / parts)

·         6 Chimney Stacks

·         2 Kilns

·         Steam Hammer

·         Internal floorboard sections

·         Wooden Platform & Cotton bale

·         Modular drainpipe system

·         Coal mine modular set (Coal sorting shed / Winch house / Headgear) 

Published 5 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Render Engine Used cycles, eevee
Misc Data uvs-unwrapped, manifold-mesh, normal-mapped, textured
License Royalty Free
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