4K Animated Grayscale Texture Loops
4K Animated Grayscale Texture Loops v1.072
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- Looping animated textures that can be used for displacement, masking, materials, decals, emissions, gobos etc.
- Instantly add complexity to your renders without much effort
- Save time animating and rendering
- Usable in any software that supports .mp4
- 61x high quality 4K animated grayscale textures
- 4096 x 4096 pixels (1:1 ratio) square .MP4
- 10 or 13 seconds long loops
- 30 FPS
- 300 frames total for 10 seconds or 390 frames total for 13 seconds
- Every animated texture comes as a 4K very high quality .MP4
- Every animated texture comes as a 2K high quality .MP4 version for better performance (and looks fantastic too!)
- Future updates are free for all purchasers
- Updates will bring more animated textures to this pack
- Be quick, new updates are coming and price might increase
- New in v1.05 - Added 1 category - "Embers" with 5 unique looping textures
- New in v1.06 - Added 1 category - "Rain" with 5 unique looping textures
- New in v1.065 - All files are bundled for easier downloads. One ZIP file per category
- New in v1.066 - Added 1 category - "Dry ice" with 5 unique looping textures
- New in v1.067 - Added 1 category - "Fireworks" with 5 unique looping textures
- New in v1.068 - Added 1 category - "Meteors" with 5 unique looping textures
- New in v1.069 - Added 1 category - "Geo" with 6 unique looping textures
- New in v1.07 - Added 1 category - "Smokebox" with 5 unique looping textures
- New in v1.071 - Added 1 category - "Screen" with 5 unique looping textures
- New in v1.072 - Added 1 Fireworks material for your Asset Library
This pack works well with the X-Ray and Hologram Shader Pack and the Blender Exploder Tool
This video covers version 1.068
Please note - the GIFs below do NOT loop nicely, because the GIF would be too long and big to upload.
Multipurpose animated texture pack
You can use black and white values to drive multiple parameters in all kinds of software, so this pack has a huge variety of uses - inside and outside Blender. Plug the textures into material node slots (Emission or Alpha for example), or drive a mix factor with it to blend 2 materials together.
The textures can work as;
- Decal
- Mask / Alpha
- Displacement map
- Roughness map
- Albedo (+Color Ramp)
- AO
- Gobo
- Mix factor
- Depth pass / Z-depth
- And any other uses you can think of
These textures have a near infinite amount of uses and can be used in most 2D, 3D, video, animation and comping software that supports high resolution .mp4 videos.
Save render time
Do you really need a VDB simulation in the render you're working on? Do you really need millions of particles in the scene? Do you even have time to make the simulation, let alone render it? Or can you get away with animated decals? Save time and make your deadlines earlier with this texture pack, by using some of the pre rendered simulation videos that are available in it. Add them to a plane and use them as a decal in your scene! Or wrap them around other objects for more control over the art direction.
Save time animating
Premade animated textures instantly add complexity to your renders, without much effort on your end. This way your renders will look mesmerizing faster.
Static textures make your scenes look static, but these animated textures instantly add life to your scenes.
High quality .mp4
The videos in this pack are very high quality .mp4, which look just great! But that also means that you can use this texture pack in any software that supports .mp4 videos. Use them as masks, overlays, transitions, displacement or any other value that can be driven by black and white / grayscale values.
You can use the textures to drive the displacement of material. Below you see one texture from the Smokebox category driving the displacement and emission of a material applied to a subdivided plane.
Create a Material with one of the Animated Grayscale Textures and place them on a square plane throughout your 3D scenes. You can make an emissive material for example and plug the Animated Grayscale Textures into the Alpha of the Material. See example below, where glowing embers have been added to the environment with textures from the Embers and Fireworks category.
Fireworks material tutorial
Plug the Image Texture in to the Emission of a Point, Spot or Area light and use it as an (animated) gobo. This way you can breathe life into a scene by having animated lighting. If you don't want to change the lights in your scene, you can also add the Image Texture to a plane and plug the Color of the texture in the Alpha of the material of that plane. Place the plane in front of your lights to block the light rays, mimicking an actual gobo. See GIF below for an example.
Plug the textures into the Emission of a Material to easily animate the values. You can use textures from the Glitch category to make neon signs flicker for example.
Any color you want
Plug the textures into a Color Ramp, and change it to any color you like! Make pink smoke, rainbow colored glitches or weird hypnotizing patterns in simple black and white. Or use your favorite color scheme!
Please note - the GIFs below do NOT loop nicely, because the GIFs would be too long and big to upload.
Clamp the values
If you plug the texture in to a black and white Color Ramp first (the default Color Ramp) you can clamp and invert the texture values by moving the black and white color nodes in the Color Ramp.
Category: Glitch
These textures work well as either an Emissive or Alpha material in your hologram, neon-sign or digital display materials. They add a glitchy and electronic feel to your materials!
Category: Embers
These textures add floating or falling embers to your scene, great for industrial or assembly / welding scenes or very hot environments.
Category: Bars
These textures add a hypnotic or abstract feel to your materials.
Category: Smoke
These textures work well as either an Alpha or Diffuse layer in your materials. Great for Decals or adding a smoky look to your objects and materials.
Category: Rain
These textures can be used to easily add rain to your scenes. Works best when added as a decal or as an overlay in post processing.
Category: Dry ice
A set of animated textures that mimic dry ice or liquid nitrogen leaking from a container. Add these to your sci-fi and scientific renders for quick and beautiful (2D) smoky dry ice simulations.

Category: Fireworks
These textures can be used to easily add fireworks to your scenes. Place them as a Decal on a Plane or comp them into your footage with the help of Tracking. Don't forget to color them and add some Bloom or other glow effects to your taste.
Category: Meteors
These textures can be used to easily add meteor showers to your scenes. Place them as a Decal on a Plane or comp them into your footage with the help of Tracking. Don't forget to color them and add some Bloom or other glow effects to your taste.
Category: Geo
Flat geometric patterns that also tile nicely. Useful for adding a more abstract or sci-fi look to your materials.
Category: Smokebox
A set of magical and mysterious smoke sims, that could work nicely as a decal.
More is coming
As with all Studio Speets products, they get regular updates. This pack will grow over time, and with updates come more categories and more animated textures. Be quick because the price will increase with future updates.
- v1.072 - Added 1 Fireworks material for your Asset Library
- v1.071 - Added 1 category - "Screen" with 5 unique looping textures
- v1.07 - Added 1 category - "Smokebox" with 5 unique looping textures
- v1.069 - Added 1 category - "Geo" with 6 unique looping textures
- v1.068 - Added 1 category - "Meteors" with 5 unique looping textures
- v1.067 - Added 1 category - "Fireworks" with 5 unique looping textures
- v1.066 - Added 1 category - "Dry ice" with 5 unique looping textures
- v1.065 - All files are bundled for easier downloads. One ZIP file per category.
- v1.06 - Added 1 category - "Rain" with 5 unique looping textures
- v1.05 - Added 1 category - "Embers" with 5 unique looping textures
- v1.02 Added 2 categories and 10 animations of Grayscale loops. More coming soon!
- v1.01 Added 2K high quality compressed MP4 versions of every video, for enhanced performance
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