100 Animals Base Meshes
From Ant, through a pair of Love birds, to Elephant...
The ultimate collection of most popular domestic animals base meshes is here!
Consists of 100 animals that are domesticated/tamed by man. Includes the most popular farm animals and pets.
- clean topology (quads only)
- scaled to animals' real size (using Blender's metric system)
- symmetrical with the origin point at the center of the grid floor (ready for mirroring)
- even quads distribution
- uniform number of loop cuts in each model (8 for ears, legs, eye sockets, and tails, 24 for a body)
- detailed noses/beaks and limbs (paws, hooves, legs, claws)
- low polygon count (good for games and retopologizing after sculpting)
- simple color materials applied to every model (Cycles and Blender Internal materials available)
- 4 new decapod animal models- shrimp, hermit crab, crab and lobster (which are the separate product: https://blendermarket.com/products/4-decapod-animals-shrimp-hermit-crab-crab-lobster) are now available to download.
6 fish:
Betta Fish, Carp, Goldfish, Guppy, Koi, Piranha
8 very small animals:
Ant, Bee, Cockroach, Scorpion, Mantis, Stick Insect, Snail, Tarantula
22 small animals:
Axolotl, Chameleon, Chinchilla, Chipmunk, Degu, Ferret, Frog, Gecko, Gerbil, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Hedgehog, Iguana, Jerboa, Mink, Lizard, Mouse, Rat, Salamander, Squirrel, Sugar Glider, Tortoise
23 medium sized animals:
Armadillo, Capybara, Cat, Cavy, Dog, Fennec, Fox, Genet, Goat, Minature Pig, Monkey, Opossum, Otter, Possum, Praire Dog, Rabbit, Racoon, Serval, Skunk, Turtle, Boa, Python, Vietnamese Pig
20 big animals:
Alpaca, Bactrian Camel, Bull, Camel, Cow, Dolphin, Donkey, Elephant, Horse, Kangaroo, Llama, Pig, Pony, Ram, Reindeer, Sheep, Wallaby, Water Buffalo, Yak, Zebu
22 birds:
Ara, Budgie, Canary, Chicken, Rooster, Cockatiel, Duck, Finch, Goose, Guinea Fowl, Hen, Swan, Myna, Ostrich, Parrot, Peacock, Pheasant, Pigeon, Quail, Turkey, Lovebird (a pair)
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