10 Contemporary Lamp Models Vol.02

Chocofur in Models

The package consists of 10 models saved into separate blend files. After unpacking the zip file you'll find 3 folders: 1. Models You'll find blend files here. Each model has specific name ie. "Chocofur_plastic_27" which originally comes from the product index we use in our online store. You can find single models by their names at: http://store.chocofur.com under certain category (Furniture --> chairs, sofas etc.). Each model has 2 different blend files. The one with "_cycles" ending consists shaded and "production ready" model while the second blend file bares the geometry only. The purpose of including second blend file is allowing you to quickly adapt the model to be used with other rendering engines. Each model includes Cycles shaders. Shaders aren't merged into node groups but are very intuitive to customize. If you have any problems with reading the node setups we've used, please roughly follow tutorial below for better explanation of our material workflow: http://www.chocofur.com/6-shadersamptextures.html 2. Obj This folder consists of obj files of each model, saved in separate zip files. 3. Renders This folder includes all renderings of the models. Each model has 2 renderings - general one showing the entire geometry and close-up for better detail. Renders are named  accordingly to blend files so you can use them as a quick product overview.   Appending chocofur models to your scene. Follow this tutorial if you have any trouble with adding chocofur models to your scenes: http://store.chocofur.com/all_other/tutorial   If you have any additional questions regarding our products, don't hesitate letting us know at: [email protected]

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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 10 years ago
Software Version 2.6x, 2.7x
License Royalty Free
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