Spring Sale Recap

Several times per year Blender Market hosts a site-wide sale and invites creators to opt in with their products to participate in offering 25% off their Blender goodies.  It's always a great time to grab some deals and support the creators who work hard solving problems with add-ons, creating models for your projects and living and breathing Blender daily to support their products and their customers.

In fact, for the Spring Sale 808 creators added almost 18K products to the sale giving 15,692 customers the best chance to snag a deal on anything their Blender loving heart desired.  Thank you for supporting our creators with $439,260.10 earned for Blender Market creators during just the 5 days of the sale.  

Here are some numbers we like to share in the spirit of not only transparency, but celebration of our customers, affiliates and creators.

These numbers reflect only the 5 days of the Blender Market Spring Sale May 21 - 26, 2024

  • Gross merchandise value: $543,562.80
  • Creator earnings: $ 439,260.1
  • Affiliate earnings: $27,527.50
  • Total refunded revenue: $2043.04
  • Total Blender Dev. Fund donations: $6,202.54
  • Blender Market gross revenue: $68,529.71
  • Total products sold (excluding free): 27,116
  • Total orders (excluding free): 8,940
  • Unique customers (without free) / (with free): 9981 / 15692
  • Unique products sold (without free) / (with free): 3940/ 4047
  • Average order amount (free excluded): $40.20