Avoid these 4 mistakes in your creator application
So you want to become a creator on the Blender Market? Great, if you've already checked out our Become A Creator page and think everything sounds awesome, the next step is filling out your creator application. To make sure your application process is as easy as can be, just follow these simple steps to avoid some of the most common pitfalls when applying to become a creator.
Fill out all forms thoroughly and truthfully
The personal info that we collect on the creator application is very important. It's used for contacting you about sales, promos, taxes, and product reviews just to name a few things. If this information is not fully filled out and correct there will be issues down the road, guaranteed.
Wanna sell animal models? Don't show me archviz.
I can't tell you how many creator applications I've rejected because the creator says, "I want to sell (insert product here)" but when I get to their portfolio page there is nothing along the lines of what they are interested in selling. Even if their portfolio looks great, the application will more than likely be rejected because it doesn't show the type of product that they said they wanted to sell, therefore, I have no real way of reviewing the work they are interested in showing. If you want to sell animal models, show me your animal models.
Use the product proposal wisely
Think of the product proposal form as your elevator pitch; why should I choose your furniture models over the other dozen creator applications I have that want to sell furniture models? Here's an example of how taking the time to think about your product proposal can make or break your creator application approval.
Creator #1, I would like to sell various models of home furnishings.
Creator #2, I'm interested in selling various models of home furnishings, my initial thoughts is to offer 3 different packs to start, a chair pack, sofa pack and interior design pack. The majority of work is already done on these three packs and I should be able to upload them to the site later this week once I'm approved as a creator.
Hmm, who would you choose to be a creator on the site? Now, unless Creator #1's work is far superior to that of Creator #2 (this doesn't happen often) there's no way I would go with the first over the second.
Your creator application is your job interview
The mere act of filling out your creator application is your job interview; I not only look at what you want to sell and how high quality those examples are, but I'm looking to see how well you follow instructions. That means that I'm looking at your spelling, grammar and sentence structure. I'm reviewing your portfolio and wondering how you can help further Blender and the Blender Market. Make sure to give the Creator Application process the time and effort it deserves.