Wooden Floor Texture Set - Douglas Fir Straight Pattern Seamless Tileable

by pixelpoems.de in Surfacing

Wooden Floor Texture Set, Douglas Fir, straight pattern, seamles tileable

A wooden floor Texture, made of warm red colored Douglas Fir. The Texture Set is high resolution, sized 5600*2800 pixels. The Texture is seamless tileable in X and Y direction. The Texture Set comes with a clear and easy node setup that own some tweaking functions to tune the look of the floor according to your lighting situation and personal favours. Node Setup is made for Cycles Render Engine, but of course the Texture Images are *.jpg File and therefore can be used in any other Render Engine.

Texture Data

The texture set contains - Color Map - Specular Map - Specularity Mask for the Board interstices - High Quality Normal Map, baked from a High resolution displacement mesh All Images Sizes are 5600x 2800 pixel. The Blend File contains all Textures, togehter with a clear structured Node Setup. The Texture Set does not contain extraneous or hidden objects or HDRI images for lighting setup.

Sales 50+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 10 years ago
Blender Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free
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