Wood Table With Chairs And Bowls - Alex Jun
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Many times in the process of creating interiors we come across situations that we only need a specific object, and the problem to find it is even worse because we often find high prices that, although fair, include things that we were not really looking for.
So here's something everyone uses: Table and Chair! And what better material than wood?
It matches practically any environment and at a super affordable price, it's worth having on your computer for future uses when you need to fill some space with a beautiful table and chair.
The file includes a pre-configured .blend with lighting and materials, but also comes with ready-to-use .FBX files if you want to use them in other programs.
In addition, all textures are included if you want to recreate the materials to your liking.
Feel free to use it in your games and projects, however, it is not allowed to sell this Pack alone or any content within it, only if it is as part of something else (Game, Project, Video, etc).
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