Sound Wave Addon V2/V3

by studioromanrec in Addons

This is a very cool add_on. You can make any of your characters talk by pressing just one button.Record your voice, for example, on your phone and add it to the addon, and your character will open his mouth synchronously with your voice, he will talk. You will be able to create audio visualizations and much more. Using sound you can animate different objects. As far as your imagination is concerned, you can use the add_on.Sound Wave Addon V3 to Blender 4

I will show you the principle of operation and you can apply it to anything. You will be surprised how quickly you can set any object in motion.

Changes have occurred. Now you can select any key and assign your audio file to it. significant changes have occurred, now you can add an audio file to any keys where they already exist, it will replace them and you can add an audio file from anywhere on the time line

Watch this tutorial video until the end.

Sales 10+
Customer Ratings 2
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 8 months ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Rigged, Animated
License GPL
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