Qol Tools: Link Widget

by QOL Tools in Addons

QOL.. Quality Of Life tools for Blender! 

Link Widget

Now available as a Blender 4.2 EXTENSION format addon!

Working with linked data (instances, as they're also known in other DCC's) can be fiddly and confusing in Blender.  Instances are incredibly powerful, and allow you to work with vast datasets .. vital for use in large scenes.

As with many Blender workflow aspects, it has all the facility you could want for working with instances, but not always in the most apparent ways, or buried away in another tab.   To add to the confusion, Blender uses the same terminology ("Linked") which also refers to links from external files (usually known as "references" in other DCC's).  (blah bla boring, we know)
  However ... 

You want to work with instances easier in Blender?

 Link Widget is for you!

    It's an ever-present tiny widget that has zero overheads.  It gives you an at-a-glance indicator for whether the active object object you have selected is an instance, and tells you how many instances of it there are.  Always at the top of your screen.

It's also interactive!

So clicking on it with modifier keys does many things with those instances, keeping you in the flow.

Single click 
    Disconnects all the instances and makes them independant objects.
Shift click
   Makes all objects selected instances of the active object.
   Selects all instances that are connected.
    Selects all objects in the scene that are instances, not just those that are the same as the active object.

At-A-Glance visibility   

There is also an option in the preferences for the addon to turn the indicator into a monochromatic version if you prefer not to have a green icon :)


Note that this addon is also available as part of the discounted QOL Tools: Full Collection package!


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Sales 30+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type N/A
License GPL
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linked data instances instancing