Qol Gridcut

by QOL Tools in Addons

QOL.. Quality Of Life tools for Blender! 


Now available as a Blender 4.2 EXTENSION format addon!

The GridCut addon is an elegant one-click solution for mesh slicing the current active object. 

 Many modifiers require meshes to have a certain polygon density, and the subdivide modifier very often, for many reasons, doesn't do the trick. Subdivide tends to cause gluts of tiny polygons, stretched polygons, and in the case of nGons, often bizarre tesselation. This is where GridCut comes in handy !  It evenly distributes cuts regardless of topology in any or all axes.

To Use:   Simply select one object, then right-click select the QOL GridCut option from the bottom of the menu!  


After applying the GridCut, there are plenty of options available for refining everything.



Note that this addon is also available as part of the discounted QOL Tools: Full Collection package!


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Sales 50+
1 ratings
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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grid modelling cutting slicing