Pro Lens Add-On

by William Landgren in Addons

So if you're anything like me you're probably tired of Blenders built in bokeh, literally every other render engine has a feature to customize the lens bokeh and I get that because it's a pretty big factor when it comes to realism. I decided to take it into my own hands and I created this little addon that let's you customize your bokeh. You're welcome. 

A full tutorial here: Tutorial/Demo

It's a little janky tho and probably has a few bugs but it'll definitely be worth it in the end, quick note: It only works with Cycles 2.92 or higher otherwise you'll get this weird HDRI stretch glitch. Other than that it's great in my opinion

Sales 600+
Customer Ratings 3
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Published over 3 years ago
Blender Version 2.91
License Creative Commons
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