G-Mesh - Grease Pencil Retopology

by Ryan Gonzalez in Addons

Visit the main page: g-mesh.github.io

Painless Retopology

Retopology is essential but disliked by many 3D artists. Tweaking vertices/edges/faces for long periods can frustrate anybody.
With G-Mesh, the user can draw retopology naturally and intuitively using Blender’s Grease Pencil.

What's new in 2.0?

          • Optimized Mesh Generation: Fixed exponential processing time and other unnecessary calculations, more details on the main page.
          • Auto Generation: Progressively generates the mesh for a non-destructive workflow.
          • Threads: Generate the mesh without freezing Blender.
          • Fixed cyclic strokes not closing edges.

          Changelog 2.2:

          • Fixed language-specific errors
          • Fixed compatibility with other threaded add-ons
          • Minor documentation update

          How it works

          G-Mesh adds a point each time Grease Pencil strokes cross each other. The points are later connected with edges and filled with faces.

          Sales 100+
          Customer Ratings 6
          Average Rating
          Published 11 months ago
          Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2
          License GPL
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