Foundations Of The Earth

by Classy Scans in Models

Foundations of the Earth is a new terrain library built from the ground up to enable artists to create believable and diverse landscapes regardless of skill level. Whether you want a simple "drag-and-drop" solution to terrain building, or prefer a more in-depth approach to control every facet of your landscape's appearance, Foundations of the Earth's library gives you the freedom to work however you want without altering your workflow.

Retain your artistic control-
these assets work with you, not for you.

Foundations of the Earth's terrains are based on real-world climates and landforms.
With updates, this library will eventually contain every climate type found on Earth.

The debut release of Foundations of the Earth features 102 landforms across 2 climate types (Arid and Continental) with two style options for each climate. Landform options include mountains, canyons, hills, large expanses, flat lands and more.

- Simple To Use Assets -
All landforms come ready-to-use; there are no settings to tweak or simulations that need to be run first. Simply drag and drop the models into your scene to create your landscape.

- Multiple Color Maps For Each Model -
Every asset comes with 6 color maps and 11 terrain masks, as well as normal and height maps.

- Created With Versatility In Mind -

Landforms are designed to look different from every side to increase usability without repetition.

- Fully Customizable -

A single landform can have a practically unlimited number of looks,
which can instantly be applied to other landforms.

Instantly apply your customized look from one asset to others via material nodes!

- LODs 0-4 For Each Landform -
Full LOD sets means terrain models are suitable for both wide, expansive shots and closeups.

- Asset Browser Compatibility -
Quickly navigate and filter the entire library to find what you want!

- Easy to integrate into your existing workflow -
Because Foundations of the Earth assets are conventional polygon models, they are easily adaptable and compatible with Blender's existing tools and modifiers, as well as many other add-ons. This includes:

- Booleans -

- Arrays & Curves -

- Lattices -

- Shrinkwrap -

- Scattering Tools -
(such as particles, geometry nodes and add-ons like "Geo-Scatter")

- Utility Nodes -
Foundations of the Earth includes 6 material shader node groups
to give you more control over your landscape materials!

Normals Blending:
Combine one normal map on top of another

Control material blending based on your geometry angle

Z-Axis Masker:
Control material blending based on height

Map Mixer:
Combine two sets of PBR maps

Map Grower:
"Grow" a texture into a larger one
with less obvious tiling repetition

Camera View Blend:
Specify a distance from the current
camera view to use as a blending factor

Included Landform Assets:

Contents of Product Tiers

Hardware Requirements & Recommendations:

Hard Drive Space:
"Utilities Only" Version: 6 MB
"Lite" Version: 50 GB
"Professional" Version: 80 GB
Memory usage will depend on your scene, but a minimum of 8 GB is recommended for simple scenes.
For complex scenes involving many assets, 32 GB or more is recommended.

Requests for Future Updates Welcome!

Do you have a request you'd like to see in a future release? Or something you think should be improved? Let me know! I want to create the best terrain library available to Blender artists.

  • Sample containing two landforms with 2K resolution maps

  • Utility Node Groups Only (no models or textures included)

  • All Models with 2k Textures + Utility Node Groups

  • All Models with 4k Textures + Utility Node Groups


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Sales 90+
Downloads 300+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 11 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Low-High-Resolution, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free
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