Flaxflow - Motion Tracking & Geometry Toolkit

Axel Olsson in Addons

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The Ultimate Motion Tracking

& Geometry Toolkit for Blender

What is it?

FlaxFlow is a toolkit which brings many extra features to Blender's motion tracking panel as well as the 3D viewport. The addon includes a brand new optical flow tracking system, one-click geometry tools, a filtering system, a 3D point generator, an upgraded solver, new tracking alternatives, and much more!  

Optical tracking system

FlaxFlow introduces a brand-new tracking system to Blender with optical trackers. It is significantly faster and far more stable. When using these optical trackers, nearly all of them successfully complete tracking each time. In comparison, Blender's native tracking system often fails along the way, as shown in the video.

Multiple features automated

FlaxFlow includes multiple buttons that eliminate the tedious, repetitive workflow. For example:

  • Apply Recommended Settings button
  • Add Trackers (Forwards & Backwards) button
  • Add Optical Trackers (Forwards & Backwards) button
  • Filtering button
  • Find Outliers button
  • Memory Cache Limit slider

And much more!

One-click geometry tools

With FlaxFlow, simply click anywhere in your footage to get its 3D position. For example, click along the outline of a house, connect the points, and you've instantly created a wall. With camera-reprojected textures, you can easily achieve accurate reflections and shadows on imported objects as well!

UI features

Easily detect which frames have enough trackers and get detailed information on how much of the footage is covered by trackers in each frame. As you add, delete, or filter trackers, FlaxFlow’s UI panel dynamically updates to display the coverage and number of trackers in each frame.

Enhanced 3D solver

FlaxFlow also includes an upgraded camera solver that provides significantly lower solve errors, faster. The solver also sorts all trackers and assigns them colors based on their solve error relative to the others. This makes it easy to identify and remove bad trackers.

Automatic filtering features

The toolkit includes a variety of filtering features. For example, it can sort, delete, and refine tracks with just one click. After selecting the desired operations, the user can simply press the filtering button a few times to achieve the desired solve error. FlaxFlow also includes additional filtering tools, such as an outlier finder that sorts all tracks based on how much their movement deviates from the rest. This makes it easy to identify and remove bad trackers.

3D point cloud generator

An easy-to-use 3D point cloud generator is also included in the addon! Simply enter the dimensions of the 2D grid where points should be added, then click "Add 3D Geometry from Frame." In just a few seconds, you'll have a sparse 3D point cloud.


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Sales 100+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 days ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type Add-on
License Royalty Free