Crayon: Vertex Paint

by Anthony Aragues in Addons


required for blender 3.2+


  1. Use vertex paint colors as a form of grouping and organization

  2. Use vertex paint in materials and/or geometry nodes

  3. Vertex paint is faster than shader mode and exports in obj without materials


Select objects or faces by:

  1. color
  2. material
  3. whether they have a vertex paint or not

Use color palettes from

  1. Selected objects,
  2. pre-set palettes
  3. custom created

Actions include:

  1. setting vertex colors quickly for faces, vertices or objects
  2. mapping vertex colors to materials in all selected objects
  3. baking vertex color from texture!
  4. split by color

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Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 3
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Blender Version 4.2, 3.6, 3.3
License GPL
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