Furniture Pack - Future Updates
At ShareTextures, we've been passionately crafting free textures and 3D models for creators like you. All of our assets including this package's pieces are available to download for free individually.
Alternatively, if you're looking for a ready-to-use asset pack or wish to support our work, you might consider purchasing it. Your support will help us to create more 3D assets and saves you the time and effort of customizing the pack yourself.
Furniture Package
Future Updates
Resolution Options
Based on your choice Asset Pack comes with 1K, 2K, or 4K resolution versions. All UV Maps are unwrapped and painted with Substance Painter.
All of our creations are open for commercial use and sharing, released under the CC0 license, meaning they're essentially free from copyright constraints.
Embrace the freedom to utilize them in any way you see fit!
Need Help?
Feel free to hop onto our Discord to ask those tough questions or simply chill out with us!
Updates Logs
Initial release
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