Bundel Wooden Chair
There are 8 different types of wooden chairs using uv map texture
The 3D Model is low poly with 2K image Texture
8 types of wooden chairs have their own code .
[CW1, Polygonal Tris : 4056 , Vertices 2596]
[CW7 Polygonal Tris : 29696 , Vertices 14860]
[CW3, Polygonal Tris : 6164 , Vertices 3626]
[CW4, Polygonal Tris : 1400 , Vertices 753]
[CW5, Polygonal Tris : 1316 , Vertices 660]
[CW6, Polygonal Tris : 9696 , Vertices 5634]
[CW7, Polygonal Tris : 858, Vertices 434]
[CW8, Polygonal Tris : 1892, Vertices 970]
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PBR wood texture a chair 3d interior modeling wooden-chair 3d furniture models 3d wood wooden