ATTENTION: Amos does not create environment, it adds atmospheric haze to your scene. So if you have nothing in your scene, no visible difference might be noticed.
1. Overcoming the limitation of Volumetric-based Real-time Atmospheric Haze system:
Allows for real-time sky replacement.
(Warning: Atmos doesn't come with built-in sky. It would be best to use HDRI or Blender's built-in Sky Texture.)
2. Ability to Fine-tune Real-time Atmospheric Haze:
Scale the "Atmosphere" object to fine-tune your real-time atmospheric haze.
3. Rendering Speed Improvement:
Significant rendering speed improvements have been observed in some cases, such as below:
Test file: "Blender 3.2 – White Lands" by Oksana Dobrovolska
4. Easy to Use
5. Add/Delete/Export/Import as Presets
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haze volumetric fog atmospheric haze real-time atmosphere fog