30 Stylized Hair (Fur) Vdm Brushes For Zbrush & Blender
30 Stylized Hair (Fur) VDM Brushes for Zbrush & Blender (with Video tutorial )+ Alpha (V-01 )
info about this Product :
- 30 VDM Brushes & Alpha
- 30 VDM Brushes for Blender
- Zbrush Brush (ZBP)
- Blend
- Video Tutorial (MP4 )- How to add VDM brushes in Blender
- PSD (Alpha)
- Tif (Alpha)
- PNG (Alpha)
- JPG (Alpha)
- Help Text File (Txt)
- EXR, PSD, PNG, PDF, TIF, ZBP, JPG ( preview ), Txt, MP4
Note :
- To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018
- To use the Blender brushes you need to use at least Blender 3.5
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