Xparticle Suit

by VFX9 in Modifier Setups

xParticle(V1.3) is a Geometry Node Group for particle effects. Currently, four Node Groups have been developed: curveMultiTrail、multiTrail、Boom、characterRain.

multiTrail V1.0.0

MultiTrail can follow the target object and emit particles and long tails.After object is animated such as moving, scaling, rotating, etc., you can directly specify it to get the effect.

You can also change the color of particles and trails.

Of course, the clear adjustment items also allow you to easily adjust the size, trail length, deformation and other effects.

For example:

BOOM V1.0.0

This is the third component of xParticle Suit, Boom, which is used to simulate explosion effects. It is mainly composed of four elements: head, trail, particle, and dust. By adjusting various parameters, ever-changing effects can be produced, which can be sci-fi, aesthetic, or cool. 

In the Boom control area, you can adjust many parameters, including particle emission density, position, size, rotation, and even gravity.

You can easily customize emittor so that your model can also become an emitter. And even if you don’t customize the launcher, it doesn’t matter, the built-in launcher will take over automatically.

The deformer block also provides three trail shapes.

The head particles can also be customized to any model, and can also be rotated to adjust parameters such as size, color, etc.

The trail block allows you to adjust many parameters such as trail length, color, and details.

In addition to customizing the particle model, the particle block can also adjust the particle spread and increase the particle precision to make the particle trails denser and avoid interruptions due to excessive movement distance between frames.

The dust block allows more explosive particles to fill the space and dissipate in a vortex, making the picture full of vividness. There are also a wealth of adjustment options.

Please watch the following video tutorial for detailed introduction

What exactly you get after purchasing


The character rain effect can be either characters or numbers.

I have configured a few simple and practical parameters for this.

You can use checkbox to select whether the character is a 1 0 digit, or customize the character in the Custom String input box. When there is content in the input box, the two built-in characters will automatically become invalid.

You can directly modify the color in the material.

What exactly you get after purchasing

Trails V1.2

curveMultiTrail V1.0.0 Project (1 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.0.0 Demo Project (1 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.0.0 Tutorial (1 MP4 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.5.1 Project (1 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.5.0 Demo Project (6 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.5.0 Demo Video (6 MP4 file)

multiTrail Project (1 file)
multiTrail Demo Project (3 files)
multiTrail Tutorial  (1 MP4 file)

21 files in total

Boom V1.0
Boom Project (1 file)
Boom Demo Project (7 files)
Boom Tutorial (1 MP4 file)

9 files in total

characterRain V1.0

characterRain Project (1file)
characterRain Demo Video (1 MP4 file)

2 files in total

xParticle Suit V1.3
curveMultiTrail V1.0.0 Project (1 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.0.0 Demo Project (1 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.0.0 Tutorial (1 MP4 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.5.1 Project (1 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.5.0 Demo Project (6 file)
curveMultiTrail V1.5.0 Demo Video (6 MP4 file)

multiTrail Project (1 file)
multiTrail Demo Project (3 files)
multiTrail Tutorial  (1 MP4 file)

Boom Project (1 file)
Boom Demo Project (7 files)
Boom Tutorial (1 MP4 file)

characterRain Project(1 file)
characterRain Demo Video(1 MP4 file)

(32 files in total

Development plan description

This is a continuously developed work, and in the future,I will add more practical Geometry Node particle effects.

Release Time
curveMultiTrail V1.0
multiTrail V1.0
Boom V1.0
curveMultiTrail V1.5.1
2024.5.14  New
characterRain V1.0
2024.5.17  New
Dissipate(Temporary name)
( Need to do some sorting before publishing)
Stream(Temporary name) ( Planned or under development )
Dust(Temporary name)
( Planned or under development )
SimpleFireworks(Temporary name)
( Planned or under development )

Thanks for reading.
Youtube: @VFX-9

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Sales 10+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 2 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0
License GPL
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