Procedural Traffic - Addon And Rigged Cars

by Suzanne studio in Addons

I can't import car

Go to File -> Clean up -> Recursive Unused data-Blocks

After this it should import cars successfully

Which blender versions are supported?

The Procedural traffic system requires a minimum version of 3.6.

Our 3D models and materials are compatible with versions 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and above.

Can I add my own car?

Yes, absolutely! Please follow tutorial on the bottom of Documentation.

Having a bug, how to fix the problem?

Please contact us.


Yes! Yes! Yes! You can see the list of future updates on the bottom of the main page.

Don´t hesitate to contact us if you want to add any feature or want to ask about already existing ones :)

Which render engines are supported?

Cycles is fully supported with our procedural shader. In Eevee you will see only base material with color, metalic, roughness and clearcoat without imperfections (dirt, splashes..)

Weird wheel rotation?

Make sure your curve is flat on Z axis (edit mode on curve -> A -> S Z 0)

Changing settings isn't making any difference in my scene

To see changes you need to be on the first frame of your animation. If nothing still changes try deleting baked data on the bottom of settings panel.

If the problem still persists go check documentation or contact us directly, we are here to help :)

Sales 400+
Customer Ratings 4
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 8 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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