Geo-Scatter 5.4

by bd3d in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 146 ratings by the community.

  • Yifu
    over 1 year ago

    This is an amazing addon, and knowing how awesome it is I would buy it even at triple the price. You should really try out manual scattering. Add a user library at "%appdata%\Blender Foundation\Blender\data\scatter library\_biomes_\Scatter Pro" to use manual scatter straight from the Blender Asset Browser.

  • Jovica Smileski
    over 1 year ago

    Easily the best and easiesr scattering addon, only getting better with time!

  • SiniΕ‘a Slovenec
    over 1 year ago

    Best addon out there,

  • Hamza
    over 1 year ago

    Unfortunately this addon has a serious limitation which is that you cannot export the results conveniently to ***any*** modern format (gltf, fbx, etc) without doing extra manual work for scatter5 objects ***each time*** you want to edit then export.

    This is because this addon uses Blender's geometry nodes, which themselves do not support export operations, and this is an abandoned issue for Blender at the moment (issue went to triage 6 months ago, no updates since). So if you need to export your work and iterate on it, note this huge limitation that currently exists with this addon.

    This is likely not the addon developer's fault (doesn't sound like there's a better choice for them to use today?), and they were very quick to respond to my questions, but still this is my actual experience with the addon, and will be yours if you need to export and don't have tooling developer(s). It seems like a really great addon, but the overall iteration experience is not great with my situation.

    • BD3D

      over 1 year ago

      Hi Hamza, we are sorry that blender exporter does not work properly. It seems that your bad experience is unrelated to our product.

  • Ansett Productions
    over 1 year ago

    Absolutely love this addon! I struggled to do landscape to complete my 6 months Royal Children's Hospital, SPECIAL THANKS to this amazing addon completed my project. Thank you SO MUCH! 😎

  • Felix
    almost 2 years ago

    Great add-on with equally great support from the team!

  • Sam Goldwater
    almost 2 years ago

    Absolutely comprehensive tools, cleanly presented and we'll supported by the devs - one of Blender's must haves :)

  • Corby
    almost 2 years ago


    • BD3D

      almost 2 years ago

      Hello Corby
      We explain in detail how to install our plugin in this page.

      Here is how it works:
      1) install the Scatter5 plugin, which is a standalone scattering toolset.
      2) install the biome pack of your choice

  • irza
    almost 2 years ago

    Great Addon and also their team

  • Brian Terranova
    almost 2 years ago

    I cannot tell you how much this plug-in improves my workflow in Blender. Environment design can be time consuming. Scatter 5 not only speeds up project setups, but the ease of customization allows me to create renders that would have taken much longer. At this point I am using Scatter 5 in 80-90% of my projects. I have not run into any technical issues and the ability to install packs into the plug-in just makes scattering that much more simple. Not to mention, there are so many ways to create unique designs using their features. A must buy for 3D artists!

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Sales 13400+
Customer Ratings 146
Average Rating
Published over 4 years ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
Length 1
License GPL
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