Intro To Motion Graphics (Blender Course)

by Ducky 3D in Training

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 9 ratings by the community.

  • Shaun
    about 1 month ago

    I'd love to love this course but it's not a course, it's a series of Youtube type tutorials. There's never really any explanation of what is coming next so you're just copying exactly what he's doing.

    You can tell that he doesn't teach in person or one to one as he presumes that you know everything after teaching you something once, which of course is impossible unless you smash out the entire course back to back. There should be tiny reminders here and there.

    You do make some really cool stuff but for the life of me I can't repeat it on my own. Even re-watching parts is just copying instead of understanding because he never really stops to explain why he's doing something.

    Shame as he's clearly an amazing artist and a successful Youtuber but a teacher he is not.

  • Len Walton
    about 2 months ago

    Practical, easy to follow lessons outlining the principles of motion graphics for backgrounds, titles and just eye candy. Included are step by step guides on geometry nodes with outlines on how and why to use them. Plus, a rundown on the principles of smart shaders with built in animations. The text graphics lesson was so informative, I utilized the learnings in that to apply to Main Titles and bumpers for a video series we produce monthly for internal communications. Thanks Ducky3d!!!

  • jeff osborne
    2 months ago

    You can't go wrong buying this course! I've been on and off with learning Blender over the last 4 years but January 1st/2024, I decided to commit and put in consistent, daily time in learning. I was intimidated with geometry nodes at first, but like most things, the more you do or use something, the more it makes sense and easier it gets. Nathan is detailed with his teaching and explains things very well. I highly recommend this course. Very good value for the price.
    Cheers, Jeff
    (Joe Fabricator)

  • Daniel
    5 months ago

    After having finished the first course I was excited for the updates version. Really nice designs and useful techniques. Easy to follow. Recommend it to anyone who's at the "beginner/late beginner stage".

  • Joe New York
    5 months ago

    Great tutorial. Easy to follow. Lots to learn. Thank you for this tutorial.

  • Travis Lang
    about 2 years ago

    Ducky teaches good. Nuff said. (no but seriously you learn a lot from this and even if you are intermediate or advanced, he still provides logical and creative approaches that could assist any level of blender artist's workflow)

  • Mario Bolte
    about 2 years ago

    Easy to follow and good course. Gives you a good start for own experiments. There a two more motion graphic courses, one here at blendermarket and an older one at cloud/blender (same author). This course is a good complement and makes start easy - look all 3! I hope ducky will produce a geometry node (blender 3.0) course in the future!

  • darren
    over 2 years ago

    Found Ducky3d via youtube and I like the delivery, it's short, sharp easy to understand "this is how you do it" style.
    I would recommend this course, if this is what you want to learn, I am a beginner and have only done part one of the doughnut.. but I love this style and looking forward to getting creative.
    Big thank you to the creator.

  • Arjen
    almost 3 years ago

    Great tutorial. Easy to follow along, and learning a lot. Thanks:).

    • Ducky 3D

      almost 3 years ago

      I am so glad you enjoyed the course

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Sales 2000+
Customer Ratings 9
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Published almost 3 years ago
Blender Version 4.0
License Creative Commons
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