Hand-Drawn Line Generator

by MeiU in Render Setups

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 10 ratings by the community.

  • asku
    about 2 months ago

    Love this, so easy to use!!!

  • Sny
    about 2 months ago

    I like the addon!
    It significantly improves my efficiency when working with common styles in freestyle!

    A small suggestion:
    It would be even better if a custom import feature could be added to the addon!
    Because when trying to use some unique line styles,
    I previously had no choice but to manually adjust parameters or manually import freestyle settings from previous projects into new ones.
    If I could directly import my custom freestyle settings into this addon, I believe it would greatly facilitate users!

  • Jevpro
    about 2 months ago

    Doesn't meet my expectations. While the concept is a good idea, the lack of real-time visual control is a significant drawback that wasn't mentioned here, and this changes the entire experience for me. I had assumed that the camera view would allow for real-time adjustments to each parameter. However, the reality is that you set the stroke thickness, launch the rendering process, and then hope the outcome resembles your expectations. For me, this process does not translate into a time-saving advantage.

    • MeiU

      about 2 months ago

      Hello Jevpro,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      I'm sorry to hear that the addon didn't meet your expectations and you rated it with two stars.

      Regarding the lack of real-time visual control, as the addon is based on Freestyle, it doesn't support real-time display, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

      Although this aspect is mentioned in the FAQ page, perhaps it wasn't clear enough for you to notice. I will make sure to highlight it more prominently to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

      I apologize for any dissatisfaction you experienced, and if you would like, I can process a refund for you. Please click the "Ask a Question" button on the right side of the page to contact me!

      Best regards,

  • teky
    2 months ago

    To all beginners, from beginners.
    Instead of trying to solve everything with a magical add-on, first watch and learn from seniors' tutorials on YouTube, understand the basics, and then consider purchasing an add-on.

    As a beginner, purchasing this add-on was a mistake.
    The operation of this add-on seems easy at first glance, but in reality, this add-on will not work at all unless you understand the basics of blender line art.
    By the time you get used to using this add-on, you will be able to get line art on your own without relying on this add-on.
    It may be a good add-on for people who can already acquire line art on their own to purchase it.

    • MeiU

      2 months ago

      Hello teky,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      I'm sorry to hear that you were disappointed with my product and gave it a two-star rating. I agree with the points you raised, especially regarding the importance of understanding the basics before purchasing add-ons.
      This is crucial for any beginner.

      In fact, I initially developed this add-on purely to streamline my workflow and reduce the tedious process of adjusting freestyle values. It has indeed been helpful for me, which is why I decided to list it on the Blender Market, hoping it could assist other 3D artists similar to myself.
      I never intended for it to be perceived as a "magical add-on" to drive purchases.

      I sincerely apologize for any dissatisfaction you experienced, and I'm willing to assist you further. If you're still unhappy with the add-on, I'm more than happy to issue a refund.

      Unfortunately, I'm unable to proactively send messages to you for assistance or refunds. Therefore, please click on the "Ask a Question" button on the sales page to reach out to me.

      Best regards,

  • orlando da silva souza
    3 months ago

    Excellent product and help

    • MeiU

      2 months ago

      Hello, Orlando Da Silva Souza,

      Thank you for your five-star rating.
      I'm also pleased to have been able to assist you with any issues you encountered while using the Addon.

      Thank you once again for your purchase.

      Best regards,

  • MatthiasS
    3 months ago

    Hi, how does this plugin differ from the built-in Freestyle plugin, apart from the customized user interface?

  • fooox
    3 months ago


  • Tim G
    3 months ago

    Thank you, this is awesome, it is like I can make thing look like Borderland or things like it :-)

  • LordTimmy
    5 months ago

    Great tool! Making manuals all day and having a tool that can create outline where i mark it is exactly what i needed!

    It takes a little bit of time to figure out how it works, and on extremely high poly models it doesn't always seem to work. However after a bit of playing around with the setting and markings i got it to work. Also very handy that it is possible to seperate layers.

    Would definitely recommend! Makes everything so much easier.

    • MeiU

      5 months ago

      Hello LordTimmy,
      Thank you so much for your five-star review and kind words!

      We're thrilled to hear that our tool is making manual creation easier for you, and appreciate your feedback regarding the learning curve and high poly models.

      Thanks for recommending our tool, and if you have any further questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

  • Aleksej
    5 months ago

    works fine!

    • MeiU

      5 months ago

      Hello Aleksej,
      Thank you so much for the updated five-star rating and the 'works fine!' comment! I appreciate your support.

  • Displaying 10 ratings

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Sales 800+
Customer Ratings 10
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License Royalty Free
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