Custom Lazy Materials

by Al-Dezel in Addons

1- Go to settings -----> preferences -----> Addons -----> install addon

2- Restart Blender (to make the icons load automatically and you will do it only once)


When you purchase Custom Lazy Materials you will see two zipped files

custom_lazy_material_windows_1.1.1: This is for Windows users

custom_lazy_material_1.1.1: This is for Mac users

other files

main asset browser material file prosedural.blend : asset browser that contain all the procedural materials

material_appender_1.0.0 : an addon that appends all your materials from your selected blender file and shows the appended materials in the icon gallery to know which materials are appended.

custom_material_property_1.0.0 : an addon that shows you the materials properties on the panel.

 main asset browser : asset browser that contain all the PBR materials


The materials are CC0 which have no requirements so you could use it in any purpose, i made them fully customizable and added some details to make the more realistic and it took me 3 months to develop.


and that is it, If you have any problems or suggestions to enhance our addon, we encourage you to visit our Discord Server.

Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 6
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License GPL
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