Alt Tab Easy Fog 2

by Alt Tab in Addons

Image preview for presets dont load!

Restart blender or switch between Volumes & VDB's (Top of the addon N-Panel)

I can't see my volumes!

Make sure you have an HDRI/skytexture or lights in your scene and that you're on CYCLES in rendered view.

Can I animate the volumes and VDB's?

You can animate all volumes and their material properties with drivers or keyframes.

The VDB's are static volumes without any animation - you can however animate the procedural VDB materials to get a moving effect.

Simple right click a value and insert keyframe (hower and press i) or insert a driver.

Can I adjust density?

All presets have a dedicated density slider on the addon N-Panel.

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Sales 2400+
Downloads 3400+
Customer Ratings 15
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 4 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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