Flaxtrax - Automated Camera Tracking

by Axel Olsson in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 14 ratings by the community.

  • G Wingfield
    22 days ago

    Contrary to some ridiculous reviews on this site, Flaxtrax is actually a fast autotrack and solving solution for Blender. I got a great solve from 250 frame iphone footage in 1 minute 50 seconds. If you know anything about camera tracking, you will realize that this is actually very fast. I can say this because I have used many of the top camera trackers including Syntheyes, Davinci Resolve, PTrack, After Effects and Nuke.
    If you have ever used Blenders camera tracker, you will appreciate that it is powerful but very tedious to use and takes hell of a long time to get solid tracks. This plugin really makes it so easy and much faster. You also need to know that camera tracking is a skill that requires knowledge of many issues and its not a simple matter of throwing any old footage at the tracker and expecting Hollywood results.
    Okay, that was a generous appraisal, here's what I don't like (and its something that can be fixed). When you press the Autotrack button, the Blender effectively freezes. The CPU goes into 100% flat out mode and you think it's going to crash. The software really needs to display a message (like the red bar in After Effects) and perhaps indicate the progress in a user friendly way. Maybe the CPU could be throttled back to 85% ?
    Finally, I can recommend this to those people who know what they are doing but if you are a camera tracking rookie, you need to learn the fundamentals first so that you can really get the most from this excellent plugin.

  • Feras Zuhair
    22 days ago

    This add-on did not meet my expectations, particularly after reaching out to the creator for assistance and receiving inadequate support.

    While the functionality of the add-on was not the primary concern, the processing speed was significantly slower than advertised. This was especially noticeable when working with 4K footage, which resulted in an inefficient workflow. The add-on also failed to provide accurate tracking for all elements, leading to unsatisfactory results.

    In addition, the customer service provided by the creator was lacking. Despite my efforts to communicate my concerns, the responses I received were insufficient and did not address my issues effectively.

    Considering the investment made in purchasing this add-on and the time spent attempting to utilize it, I am deeply disappointed with the overall experience. The description of the add-on as "fast" and "getting faster with every update" is misleading and does not accurately reflect its performance.

    While I understand the importance of customer feedback, I feel compelled to share my experience to prevent others from encountering similar frustrations. I hope that the creator will reconsider the accuracy of the product description and provide improved customer support in the future.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    • Axel Olsson

      22 days ago

      Hello Feras Zuhair,

      Thank you for your feedback. I'm sorry to hear that the add-on did not meet your expectations. I would like to address your concerns and provide some clarification.

      Firstly, the performance of the add-on, as well as Blender's camera solver, is highly dependent on the quality and characteristics of the footage being used. For instance, footage with a blurred background and moving objects, such as a person walking across the scene, can result in longer processing times due to a lack of stationary, solid objects to track. Conversely, footage with visible stationary objects like structures or the ground, and minimal external movement (or appropriately masked movement), should process more efficiently. This dependency on footage quality is consistent across all tracking software and is not an issue specific to the add-on.

      Regarding your comments about customer support being "inadequate" and "lacking," I respectfully disagree. We have had numerous conversations where you acknowledged, "Please understand that there is nothing wrong with the add-on itself," indicating that the issue was not directly related to the add-on. Both I and the official Blendermarket support team have provided guidance, and I have personally explained how to enhance processing speed and utilize the add-on more effectively. I even offered to review your scene setup and track the footage myself, but you declined.

      As previously mentioned, processing speed is heavily influenced by the footage provided. High-quality footage should contain clearly visible stationary objects for the camera to track. If external moving objects are present, masking them out can prevent tracking issues. In your case, working with 6K footage (6144x3160) involves processing 19.4 million pixels, which is significantly more than 1920x1080 footage with around 2 million pixels. Naturally, this will take longer to process, but this does not indicate a problem with the add-on or the support provided.

      I appreciate your critique and will take it as constructive feedback, even though some points may not be accurate. I will continue to work on improving the add-on's performance, though it largely depends on Blender's camera reconstruction code. Rest assured, I am committed to making the add-on faster in future updates.

      Best regards,

  • Baurzhan
    about 1 month ago

    The addon keeps getting better and better!

    There are 3 points and the addon will become very cool!

    1) An important point is to add not only just camera tracking, but also OBJECT tracking. This will be really cool! For example, select an object with a marker as in the after and let it rattle.

    2) The mask doesn’t seem to be bad, but it still needs some work, otherwise we have a lot of people in the scene.

    3) The most important and coolest change you made was the speed per 1000 frames for a resolution of 1920*1080. He does tracking in about 20 minutes. It will be great if you speed it up for 4k resolution.

    Bro we believe in you! You are making the addon cooler and cooler every time!

    Please add object tracking, improve the mask and try to increase the speed for vertical scenes from 4k.

  • Maxwell
    about 2 months ago

    Incredibly slow, hoping future updates address this. I can see it becoming a really great tool if this area is fixed!

  • Udo Schneider
    3 months ago

    I usually don't write reviews, but I had to share my experience with this add-on. I had been struggling for days to track some footage using Blender's native tracking, another add-on, and AE, but had no luck at all. This wasn't my first time doing this, but the footage was just too tricky. Flaxtrax was able to crunch the footage for 20 minutes and delivered a perfectly usable tracking result! While the tracking wasn't 100% geometrically correct (likely due to some issues with the DVCPro HD source footage and unusual lens distortion), the tracking points were 100% accurate. This is a limitation of Blender's Camera Solver. I really appreciate this add-on and its ability to save me so much time and frustration. Thank you!

    • Axel Olsson

      3 months ago

      Thank you Udo Schneider, I am glad you like it!

  • Nicola
    4 months ago

    I believe it works fine for many people, sadly its been f annoying and Im mad that i waste my money on this add on because i wanted a solution and know i need to invest time checking how to make it worked. Im faster doing the track by myself than waiting hours until FlaxTrack finish.
    Im sorry, I know for some people this add on has been a salvation but for my experience this was just F waste of everything.

    • Axel Olsson

      3 months ago

      Hello Nicola,
      Thank you for the feedback. I am so sorry that you are disappointed. However, the addon should not take hours; if that's the case, something wrong has happened. I have recently released a major update for the addon, enhancing the tracking and solving part, as well as adding many new useful features, such as the ability to mask out external moving objects like cars or people moving across the scene. Please try it out (the new version 1.6.0) and tell me what you think. If you need any assistance using the addon, feel free to contact me here on Blender Market.
      Best regards,

  • Damian
    5 months ago

    This add-on is amazing and it saved hours of work already. I am impressed at how good it tracks any footage and detects focal length. It takes quite a significant time to process (16 minutes in my case) but it would take 10 times more to get such a low solver error doing it manually, apart from the headache. Time depends on how many FPS and resolution is your video and how low you want the solver error to be. I realized with a solver error of 0.8 (default) you get excellent results. Please keep the updates coming!

  • Janne Järvelä
    6 months ago

    Motion tracking is an absolute breeze. 5 stars when the addon gets some kind of progression bar or indicator!

  • BVBY
    6 months ago

    Slightly long processing time.
    (about 7mn with 420 frames)
    however, there's no additional annoying works
    so as a result, time is shortened.

  • Steve
    7 months ago

    Nice addon! For a total tracking noob like myself, this is a god send! Nice work.

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Sales 400+
Customer Ratings 14
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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