Blenquick Auto-Rigger

by Denix Studio in Addons

BlenQuick Auto-Rigger ? What's that ?

BlenQuick Auto-Rigger is an add-on for Blender that enables you to quickly and easily Rig characters, and simulate effects on the Rig.

It can export in FBX and GLTF format, compatible with Unreal Engine, Maya and Godot.

Wanna see it in action ? Here it is :

Just add the yellow markers and BlenQuick Auto-Rigger will automatically place the bones to speed up the rigging process,

Non-humanoid characters like cats, dogs, horses, pigs and the like can be rigged by using the "Auto-Rigger" feature or manually by using the "Add Prebuild Armature" dropdown.

Wanna try it first ? Download the Free demo version.

If you only need a basic version with less features, check our other BlenQuick add-on.

Incremental updates are free.

Make sure to read the FAQ to solve common issues.

Auto-Rigger includes rigs for skirts, scarves, tails, hair, sleeves, hairbands, dresses, and more...

Fingers, toes and hands IK-FK.

FK tail base to rig ropes, FK spines, tentacles, wires, ponytails...

IK/FK Switches for legs, arms, torso, fingers, toes...

Rig Export

Skeleton export to FBX/GLTF format, compatible with Unreal Engine, Maya and Godot...

Before exporting the Rig make sure to click on the "Set Skeleton" button:

Rig & Character Layers

Store bones and objects to easily turn on/off character layers to hide or show clothes, hair, shoes, scarves, hats and bones controllers.


To hide or show your character clothes, hair, shoes etc. you need Drivers.
You can of course add a driver in your character visibility, copy the properties data path, paste it and then select the target, but that's cumbersome and annoying...
On the contrary, in BlenQuick Auto-Rigger all you have to do is navigate to the driver tab in settings and choose one of the prebuilt drivers.
So basically you just copy the driver and paste it were you want in your character.


1 : Click Simulation (Universal tool work on any Rigs). Easily generate a click effect on the object(s) you choose, for example piano keys or a computer keyboard.

2 : Bones Physics Simulation. Easily create a wiggle effect on bones.

List of what the addon has to offer:

    Automatic bone placement for characters. Asymmetrical models supported.
    Eye location locked or free
    Head rotation locked or free
    Fingers close from scale
    Fist close from scale
    IK/FK eyes
    Auto-eyelid rotation
    Facial setup with automated placement
    Game engines support, FBX, GLTF: Unreal Engine, Autodesk Maya, Godot.
    iK/FK switches
    Cartoon compliant: stretchy spine, legs, arms
    Prebuild poses ready to use like T-Pose & Y-Pose
    Fix model: fix your character eyes, legs, arms, jaw, eyebrow, knees, elbows, just by clicking on a few buttons
    Add Rigs: skirt, jumper, scarf, sleeve, dresse...
    Simulations: Click simulation easily generate a click effect on the object(s) you choose, Bone Phisycs simulation Easily create a wiggle effect on  bones.
    Rig & Character Layers
    Prebuild drivers ready to use to hide or show your character
    Fingers, toes and hands are IK-FK
    Incremental update are free.



V1.0 :

Initial Release.

V1.1.0 :

- Major bugs fixes.

- Updated translation.

- Added a "Fix Pant" feature.

V1.1.2 :

- Improved "Fix Jaw" feature.

- Improved "Fix Eyes" feature.

- Improved "Fix Teeth Bottom" feature.

V1.1.3 :

- Improved the bones layers.

- Improved the pose position.

Credits & Thanks

The Blender Team.

Juan Pablo Bouza, creator of the BlenRig 5 add-on.

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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 19 days ago
Blender Version 4.1
License GPL
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