Voxel Master (Non-Destructive)

by Nuno Sousa in Addons


This addon works,  but is outdated, until I revise it 100% of sales is going to dev fund.
Please send me feedback on it.

Voxel Remesh (Non-Destructive) is a Blender add-on designed to help 3D modeling workflows. It offers a non-destructive approach to remeshing, enabling users to refine and smooth their 3D models with precision. Key features include adjustable voxel size for detailed control, input thickness modification, smooth shading options, and adaptivity adjustments.
Main Features:
  • Voxel Remesh with Thickness: Our add-on provides a Voxel Remesh modifier with an additional option to control the thickness of the resulting mesh. This feature is particularly useful for addressing artifacts caused by thin geometry in your meshes.
  • Smooth Option: We've included a smooth option that can subtly adjust the shape of your mesh during remeshing, offering more flexibility for various modeling scenarios.
  • Multi-Geometry Support: Our add-on works seamlessly with multiple geometries, making it efficient for batch processing or editing multiple objects simultaneously.

This addon is still in its early stages; please give it a try and provide feedback on how I can make it a better tool for you.

Future Updates:

Our development roadmap includes the following future goals:

  • Data Transfer Integration: We plan to integrate data transfer functionality, allowing you to preserve UV maps and attributes when applying the Voxel Remesh modifier.
  • Improved User Interface: We are committed to enhancing the user interface to make it even more user-friendly and intuitive for artists and modelers.
  • Non-Manifold and Closed Geometry checks: In order to help users identify where possible errors may originate from.
  • Integration and control of Quad remesher: Allowing good retopology without topology artefacts often occurring with voxel remesh.

Version Information:

01/12/23 - Version 0.0.3: Stability and user interface.

  • Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements: Some features that weren't fully functional were removed and will be worked on in the future.
  • Updated User interface.

25/11/23 - Version 0.0.2: Feature Enhancements and New Additions

  • Merge Duplicates Feature: A significant new feature that allows users to merge vertices that are close to each other within a specified threshold. This is particularly useful for cleaning up mesh geometry to prevent remeshing artifacts.
  • Enhanced Reporting: The merging operation now reports the number of vertices merged, providing better feedback to the user.
  • UI Adjustments: Changes in the user interface to accommodate new features and possibly improve user interaction.
  • Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements: Some bugs were identified in the initial release by devs and users and have been addressed.

21/11/23 - Version 0.0.1: Initial Release

  • Basic voxel remeshing functionalities.
  • Settings for voxel size, thickness, and smooth shading.
  • Options for additional mesh processing like relax smoothing and sharpening (bevel modifiers).
  • A simple user interface in the Blender sidebar with basic controls.
  • Operators to add, update, and apply modifiers.
  •  We look forward to gathering user feedback and continuously improving the tool in future releases.

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Sales 50+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 7 months ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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