Surface Detail Addon
Surface Addon simplifies the creation of highly detailed surfaces on any object with one click of a button, all you need to is select a preset and your object and click the magic button,
this addon is so good at hard surfaces but it can also be used for other surfaces like mountains, grounds, organics and so many others using the Custom Map Option
Future Updates will come with paint function and ability to animate the surface with any video, buy this and get future updates for free before they Goto Pro Version
you will need a good PC to use this Addon, any PC can run it but not every PC can handle the payload
My Specs
intel Core i5-8700k - 16 GB RAM, Any PC Less than this will be slow, so that is the recommended PC Spec you should have, if you have a better Spec than mine then all is well, More RAM means more Polygons you can handle, more cores and GHz Speed means the faster you can displace
- 40+ Presets
- Easy Customization
- Viewport Friendly
- Can be Exported
- More Coming
Getting Started
Start with Selecting your desired preset, they are over 40 of them, different styles and designs, select your design, and make sure the Resolution is above 7 for flat surfaces and 9 for Cube and more,
The Higher the Resolution Value the higher the Detail on the Surface. Max Res is 10, but if your PC can handle more than 10 Use the Subdivide Button for more Detailing
Use option "UV" for Primitives that have more than One Side like a Cube
You can make any Model Look so detailed in just 3 sces
Custom Map
if you have your own Texture and you want to paint it on the surface of your choice, this Addon Gives you that option, its available at the Custom Tab
When you are Done with your Detailing, Tap the Apply Button in the Settings Panel,
WARNING: if you want to make more than two surfaces on differnent objects with this addon, first apply before you proceed to the next object
Particles-X Blender's Most Advanced Particle System Extension
Scifi Elements Addon which creates scifi elements in your scene easily
Quake Motion Camera, Blenders best motion camera addon ever created
For more information or Bug Reports, Send me a message on my Blender Market Store, Thank You
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