Simply Stitch

by VjaceslavT in Addons


SimplyStitch:  Professional Stitching for YourMesh

SimplyStitch is an advanced Blender 3D add-on designed to streamline the process of creating meticulous stitches for your mesh. This add-on offers a versatile toolkit, allowing you to effortlessly draw stitches on your object using various methods, including drawing, lines, curves, and more.

In EditMode, the add-on provides a straightforward mechanism for incorporating the drawn stitches onto selected edges. This enables you to seamlessly integrate stitches into your design or add seams for enhanced bulge profiles, providing greater control during the detailing process. Simply Stitch is your go-to solution for achieving precision and efficiency in mesh detailing within the Blender environment.

Developed by Vjaceslav Tissen & Wolfgang Tell in cooperation with Franz Klassen



This Add-on is tailored to refine cloth objects before diving into texture painting and finer details. With a focus on adding geometry details for high-poly models, it simplifies the process of baking from high to low resolution.

In collaboration with Wolfgang Tell & Franz Klassen, we aimed to enhance cloth object quality within Blender. Now, effortlessly drawing or dragging lines across the mesh yields instant, desired results. It's about streamlining complexity, ensuring a smoother creative process, and maximizing Blender's potential for every project.


WARNING: Simply Stitch works only with Blender version 4.1 and higher!


From Base Object to Detailed

Featured on the left side are various assets including stitches, bolts, and embroidery, all of which you can seamlessly incorporate into your object.

Give your work more details!

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Simply Addons

Kagi Vision 3D | Armors Assets

Wolfs Market | Medieval 

Automotive - MOUVAL by Damian Mathew

Extreme PBR Nexus

HDRi Maker Studio

Pattern Designer

Re-Topology & Cloth FX

Blob Fusion & more

Tracegenius Pro - Image To 3D Tracer

Sanctus | Procedural Materials

Addons by Chipp Walters


Poly Haven Assets

Auto Rig Pro

Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning

Human Generator


Xane Graphics

Weight Painting Suite Tools

Panel Stitcher


Email: [email protected]
Languages: English, German, Russian

  • Addon only - no assets included info: you can use this option for commercial purpose

  • All Assets Included - No Addon Stitches, Bolts, Zippers, Embroidery info: you can use this option for commercial purpose

  • Addon + All Assets included info: you can use this option for commercial purpose

  • Industry commercial sector for 3 Seats


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Sales 500+
8 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1
License GPL